I think there may even be one less level per world. There seems to be fewer levels, with only four ‘worlds’ instead of the original’s seven. There’s not much to complain about with Poly Bridge 2. After level completion, you’re also placed on a leaderboard, and you can see how you stack up against other bridge builders. In fact, if you just want to see player selections, you can visit the gallery and peruse the creativity of the community. After you are successful you can see a gallery of how other players completed a level. One of the best features is being able to see how other players completed a level.

Poly Bridge 2 is itself a bit of a sandbox, even with the challenges each level sets forth. Of course, you can tackle whatever levels suit your fancy-you’re not required to play them linearly, though doing so helps you develop your bridge skills a bit before getting to harder challenges. You can then pare down your structure to try and hit budget, if you desire. Your maximum budget is actually a bit closer to twice the budget that game gives you, so you have a ton of freedom to make crazy bridges-or other solutions-to a puzzle set before you. While Poly Bridge 2 challenges you to complete a level under budget, and without the bridge breaking, both of those criteria aren’t really necessary to check a level off of your list. Just don’t expect to be able to jump a bulldozer over a large gap-or take that as a challenge to try. Springs are great for landing points, so there’s even more flexibility to make jumps and ramps, something a level will occasionally call for-but there’s nothing stopping you from trying that solution on other puzzles. Some levels challenge you to go over or under obstacles, or sometimes both-or use hydraulics to make drawbridges. In fact, Poly Bridge 2 seems to encourage that in its material selections and level designs. But it’s fun to solve a conventional problem in an unconventional way. Not every level allows you to use every material, which is part of the challenge. It also shows you what to expect before you load into it–like your budget, what the general layout is, and what materials will be available to you to complete each level. First of all, while it presents the challenges linearly like the first game did, it makes it obvious that you can choose what levels to tackle in the order you want to. While I do miss the overworld of the first game, the menu that Poly Bridge 2 uses is a hell of a lot more functional. The ‘worlds’ mode is set up like the first game’s, just without a cute overworld bringing it all together. There are three main ways to play Poly Bridge 2: the ‘worlds’ mode, workshop mode and sandbox. I mean, it’s usually best if they don’t, but whatever gets the job done! Screenshot: Poly Bridge 2 And that challenge is to span some sort of gap, using as little of your budget as possible, and potentially accomplish it without without your bridge breaking. It’s a comforting return to the mechanics that you know-wood, steel, hydraulics, rope, and the task of putting all of those things together to succeed at whatever challenge is set before you. If you’re played the original Poly Bridge, there will be nothing earth shattering here. Usually, the goal is to create a way for vehicles on one side of a gap to successfully make it to the other side. Poly Bridge 2 is a physics-based bridge building game. Poly Bridge 2 ends up treading water a bit, but it does maintain that standard. 2016’s Poly Bridge was never a huge departure from those older bridge building games, but its clean visual style and relaxing soundtrack helped propel the original to be the standard of the genre. I don’t think the physics bridge builder genre started as a Flash game (in fact, I think Bridge Builder by Alex Austin has that distinction), but I certainly ran into a bunch of Flash variations that are now lost to time. There were some really innovative games back then. I spent a lot of time playing Flash games on back in the ancient days.